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A Brief Discussion on Effective Treatments for Uterine Fibroids

· fibroid surgery,Fibroid treatment,Adenomyosis,Uterine Fibroids,UFE

Female infertility has become a common cause of worry to a large share of couples. There are several health issues and medical conditions that contribute greatly to female infertility. Uterine fibroids, also known as leiomyomas, are one of them. Fibroids are the non-malignant tumour growths on the muscle layer of the female reproductive organ, i.e., womb. These tumours can affect your fertility in case; they are not treated in time. If you are diagnosed with this gynecological condition, then instead of worrying about this, you should take an appointment with a professional doctor.


You will be happy to know that with proper treatments, you can lead a fibroid free and pain-free life. In the following write up, I have discussed a wide range of fibroid treatment. To know about this, you may take a close look at the below section right now.

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Doctors often recommend the patients to use certain medications that target female hormones, like, estrogen. This hormone plays the major role behind the growths of fibroids. With the use of medications, the doctors will be able to control the growth rate of this hormone.


Patients with these non-malignant cysts often consume oral contraceptives as per the recommendation of the physicians. Oral contraceptives can help in controlling menstrual bleeding. But they cannot reduce the size of these tumours.

Minimally Invasive Procedures:

Minimally invasive treatment procedures involve less risk, than the fibroid surgery, like hysterectomy. Some of the minimally invasive treatments include,

  • Uterine Fibroid Embolisation (UFE)

UFE is a minimally invasive treatment process that aims to block the blood supply to your fibroids so that they get deprived of nutrients. As a result they shrink, and the patients get relief from unbearable pain. UFE has some positive aspects, like, rapid recovery, less risk, permanent solutions and more. Women who are planning for having a baby in the future can opt for UFE treatment.

  • Myolysis

This is a laparoscopic procedure that aims to destroy fibroids by using laser or an electric current. This procedure can shrink the blood vessels that supply blood to the non-malignant cysts. Myolysis involves less risk.

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Surgical Treatments:

  • Myomectomy

Myomectomy is a surgical treatment procedure in which the surgeon removes your fibroids, while keeping your womb intact. Myomectomy allows women to conceive, even after this surgical procedure.

  • Hysterectomy

Hysterectomy is basically a traditional treatment. During surgery, the surgeon will remove the fibroids affected uterus from the body of the patients. Hysterectomy can treat these tumours permanently. But this treatment prevents women from getting pregnant.

So, this is all for now, about fibroid treatments. The symptoms of fibroids and Adenomyosis are almost the same. If you come across symptoms, like, heavy bleeding period, back pain, infertility, you should consult a professional doctor.